Small & Medium Enterprises

Give your campus a digital upgrade! Modernize forms and automate approval processes, ensuring compliance and improving the user experience.


days of productivity saved per workflow


schools across the nation


man-hours saved annually from reduced turnaround and errors


workflows automated around a single campus

Small & Medium Enterprises

In its SME Manifesto for Higher Education, Dastavez ECM urged the next administration to tap into the potential of SME providers to foster innovation, address regional training demands, and expand adult learning possibilities in a variety of fields. Our ideas are generated by SME providers themselves, who have informed us of the kind of support that will benefit both their companies and the students who choose to study there.

SME(Small & Medium Enterprises) Insights

The concepts in the SME for Higher Education would foster both our development and the development of those who wish to emulate us. Students and industry stakeholders are calling for this increase. SMEs require a little help and a partnership mindset from the government to take advantage of all the chances and do it well.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

For every type of company, Dastavez ECM offers a solution. With effective CRM technology, even the tiniest organization can start changing the way they operate.It supports productivity, sales management, contact management, and other areas. Companies can enhance profitability, streamline operations, and customer relationships by using CRM.

Procurement Processes

The entire process of acquiring the goods and services that a firm needs to operate is referred to as procurement. And that technique involves several different processes

End-to-End Integration

Dastavez ECM provides an entire end-to-end ecosystem for SME loans, from origination to servicing and distribution.